Cladding Cleding Cleding Delicit automatic Equipment

Now China's coal mining and tunneling mechanization is more and more popular, due to the thickness of mining coal seam has become high, the hardness of rock layer increased, shearer and roadheader cutting power is also increasing, with the supporting mining tackle consumption has also increased, the cost is also increased a lot. Secundum ad investigatione notitia analysis de secunda quadrigis de plene mechanized metalla quadrigis de Yankuang Group, annua sumptus de repositoque ad dente occupari de 100,000 Yuan ad tectum et deorsum laminis. From the repair process of the shearer and the roadheader, it is found that the main causes of the tackle damage are: tooth wear, blade loss, knife head fracture, etc., at the same time, if the tackle tooth welding is not accurate, the position and shape of the coal and liver stone are complicated, resulting in serious wear of the tackle.

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Post usura laser Cladding technology, in mediocris dente interficiam microhardness est HV800 et Rockwell duritia est de Hrc65. Praeclara cum Ordinarius, quod laser habet scintillam cum Cladding occupari et carbo roam contactum et gerunt resistentia, lassitudine resistentia vires et tondendas resistentia valde melior. Non solum reduces dente replacement et sustentationem tempore, amplio productio efficientiam, sed etiam salvet multus of pecunia, reduces sumptus et auget reditus. Laser Cladding Technology ut emergentes curatio technology, provectus technology, Cladding partibus post firmum, reliable, manet ergo in calculus apparatus vestibulum industria ut acriter promoveri et capere laser cladding technology.

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