Laser Cladding

  • Automated laser Cladding Machina

    Automated laser Cladding Machina

    Plene-automatic laser Cladding apparatu est summus praecisione et summus efficientiam superficiem curatio apparatu quod liquefacturus metallum pulveris per laser et deposita est in superficiem abrasion et corrosio, autocinio et in artificiis est laser in Aerospace.This et aliarum in substrato, petrochemical et aliarum in substrato reparandis, et alias another.

  • Cladding Cleding Cleding Delicit automatic Equipment

    Cladding Cleding Cleding Delicit automatic Equipment

    Now China's coal mining and tunneling mechanization is more and more popular, due to the thickness of mining coal seam has become high, the hardness of rock layer increased, shearer and roadheader cutting power is also increasing, with the supporting mining tackle consumption has also increased, the cost is also increased a lot. Secundum ad investigatione notitia analysis de secunda quadrigis de plene mechanized metalla quadrigis de Yankuang Group, annua sumptus de repositoque ad dente occupari de 100,000 Yuan ad tectum et deorsum laminis. From the repair process of the shearer and the roadheader, it is found that the main causes of the tackle damage are: tooth wear, blade loss, knife head fracture, etc., at the same time, if the tackle tooth welding is not accurate, the position and shape of the coal and liver stone are complicated, resulting in serious wear of the tackle.

  • Robotic laser Cladding Ratio pro Laminae

    Robotic laser Cladding Ratio pro Laminae

    Laser cladding technology is the use of high-energy laser beam (104-106w/cm2) irradiation of the metal surface, simultaneous melting, expansion and solidification, the substrate surface plated with a layer of materials with special physical, chemical or mechanical properties, so as to form a new layer of alloy with a very low dilution rate, to compensate for the performance of the original substrate material, according to the requirements of In perficientur ex uber, ad obtinendum calor repugnans, abrasione, repugnans, resistentia electricitatis, corrosio, lassitudine vel optical, electrica et magnetica proprietates superficiei.

  • Laser Hardenening robot

    Laser Hardenening robot

    Laser Huranening dente, brevi processus terminum, calefactio et refrigerationem celeriter, non opus est media facere, tinny deformatio, mundus operantes environment, non opus est finis processus elit, non opus est denique processus elit.

  • Laser Cladding Equipment pro Hydrau virga

    Laser Cladding Equipment pro Hydrau virga

    Laser Cladding Technology applicantur ad Hydraulic Support est novum superficiem modificatio technology in annis, maxime ad hydraulicorum firmamentum columna et piston virga superficiem supplementi curatio. In applicationem laser Cladding Technology in Hydraulicorum Support columnam reparatione describitur infra.
    The working principle of laser cladding technology is, using high energy laser beam as a heat source, will have high hardness, good anticorrosion function of alloy powder, hydraulic support column and jack surface at the same time melting metallurgical reaction and has the function of wear resistance of laser cladding layer, so as to achieve the purpose of hydraulic support service life, compared with the traditional electroplating process, laser cladding technology habet significant technica commoda.

  • Laser Claddding de planum gantry

    Laser Claddding de planum gantry

    Laser cladding technology is to use high energy laser beam (104-106w / cm2) to irradiation on the metal surface, synchronous melting, expansion and solidification, on the substrate surface with a layer of material with special physical, chemical or mechanical properties, thus forming a new dilution rate, very low alloy layer, compensate for the performance of the original substrate material, according to the product performance requirements, heat resistance, wear Resistentia resistentia, corrosio resistentia, lassitudine resistentia seu lux electrica magnetica proprietates superficie iacuit. Laser Claddding technology est novum technology cum altum beneficium, quod potest parare a summus perficientur Alloy superficies in cheap metallum subiectae sine affectione essentia matricis, reducere ad sumptus et praeter pretiosum et rara metallum materiae.

  • Portable laser Cladding Welding Machina

    Portable laser Cladding Welding Machina

    Laser Claddding est technology de High-enegy laser trabem (104-106W / CM2) Radiation in metallum superficiem interim alloye mixture rate ad formare novum et solidatam ad specialem, ut ex in basi et solidatam in basi et in basi. Esset Cladding metallum et nonmetals ut necessitates, Ut calor resistentia, gerunt resistentia, corrosio resistentia, oxidatio resistentia, lassitudine resistentia aut optical, electrica et magnetica proprietates. Est technology de excelsis efficientiam, quod esset facere eminentes proprietatibus iacuit in basi affordable materia. Ut salvum pretium.