DZF-LC401 Recta Requiem Lorem Plasma Welding Platform

Recta rectum et longitudinalis summa seriem tooling est maxime propter Welding interiore et exterior longitudinalis missione medium et tenues murum cylindri. It can be equipped with paw, TIG, MIG / MAG welding tooling.It is suitable for the welding of carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and its alloy, titanium and its alloy, etc. it can be used for the welding of products such as food machinery, dyeing and finishing equipment, power switch bus tube, medical machinery, special chemical containers, power pipes, air conditioning unit shell, Etc. WELDING processus certa et efficiens et totum Welding processus digitally regitur.

Dzf series recta recto welding tooling est professional latae apparatu ad laminam bistas welding, quae habet commoda altum gradum automation, optimum weld qualitas et princeps efficientiam.

Product Detail

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Basic compositionem

Et machina est composito ex tabula, cantilever trabem, supporting hastile, piano clavem laminam, centrum mechanism, padlock, welding gun ambulans et adjusting mechanism, et electrica imperium system.functionalt, et electrica imperium system.functional, et electrica imperium features:

The piano keys cooperate with the high-strength air bag to provide balanced piano key pressure on the whole length of the weld;The keys are inlaid with alloy copper with high hardness and high thermal conductivity to provide good heat dissipation effect;The relative distance of the key can be adjusted according to the welding material and its thickness;There is a backing on the back of the weld on the mandrel to speed up the cooling of the weld;The Formatam sulcus Liner in Mandrel est disposito secundum materiam, ut situm et ejus crassitudine ad consequi optimum retro formatam effectus, usura Renault Vel Dispensatio, utendo, et dextatibus, et ad Welding tormentarii; accurate adjust distantiam welding facem et workpiece; et Welding gun potest circumdare circum fixa virga ad faciliorem tortor et temperatio accessiones;

Product Application

Est idoneam ad longitudinalis longo ludibrio et omnis generis et tenuis metallum materiae et longitudinalis seam blanets iuncturam cylindri. Potest esse in tenuis-murum metallum processus et vestibulum industries ut hardware, familia appliances, ignis-pugnatum apparatu, aqua calefaciente, fan, continens, etc.


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