Cutting legit surfacing cum plasma operiesy apparatu
Industry forsit:Et secare legit sunt in directum contactus cum calculus metalla petra, quae generat fortis friction et labefactum per opus processus, reducendo in ministerium vitae et operantes efficientiam in secare legitSOLUTIO:Usura DML Series Plasma Power Sagittarius Shanghai Duomu Industry Co., Ltd et instructa cum PLC automatic Cladding tooling, ad gere-repugnans coating est operuit super superficiem et resistentiam et anti-corrosio.
Et effectus post Plasma Overy Welding de Cutting Legit
I. Et gerunt resistentia ad sectas legit est significantly melius.
Using advanced plasma overlay technology, a layer of high hardness metal ceramic layer is deposited on the head of the cutting picks, which has the characteristics of high hardness, good toughness, wear resistance and impact resistance, etc. It protects the head of the cut-off tooth very well, reduces the wear speed of the head tooth body, makes the tooth body and the alloy head wear simultaneously, and achieves a good match.
II. Bending resistentia est significantly melius.
Secundum omnia bona in usu processus fractum pirum partibus et check curvam conditione, in usum provectus analysis Software asinus in omnibus bonis in analysis et in analysis, et secundum quod est in analysis, et ad propositus est in analysis, ut et ad resistentiam ad remuscendatur ademptas et ad normalis est in superficiei, ut et ad normalis est advenientem Usus in secare legit.
III. Usus processus "non scintillam."
Ordinarius Conscidisti-off bona in processus of usu maxime ad Conscidisti Kau lapis processus mos producendum numerus scintille, ad carbo super productio magni salus periculo. Nostra societas producit plasma acervum fortis "non-sparking" CUTTER quia in CUTTER caput ad adepto a iacuit de excelsum voluntatem metallum ceramic accumsan, in Ceramic et facit secare in usum, quam XC% mining in salute et in carbonibus, magnificens in carbonibus et in salute est in carbonibus, magnificentia in salute et in caligine est, magnificentia in salute et in caligine est, magnificent et in salute est in carbonibus, magis quam ad scutum in caligine et mining in scintillula est in carbonibus, magnificens in carbonibus et in salute et in caligine et in securitatem, afficit ad alium, quod est in carbonibus et in salute et mining in alta.
Comparatio test de scintillae sub eadem conditionibus eadem molere rotam
In the process of grinding, the bright sparks of about 60% of the length of the ordinary gears are dispersed, while the plasma welding machine strengthens the gears in the process of grinding, which basically does not produce sparks but only a very few dark sparks, and the length of sparks is only 10-20m%.
In short, Shanghai Duomu plasma welder reinforced non-sparking cutting picks have the characteristics of wear resistance, long life, not easy to break, no sparks, etc.. Not only reduce the cost of coal production, reduce the labor intensity of workers, and a good solution to the long-standing problem of coal safety production threatened by sparks generated during the use of the cutting picks. Et applicationem de plasma sunt materiae, ita ut ad sectas legit Plasma Welding layer euismod Indicatores et figura de Weld accumsan cum variability et imperium: Plasma Solus deaurabis materiam et applicationem in dente in dente per annumque ad aureum problema.

Post tempus: Mar-27-2023